Find me on the bound : unbound table at this annual event in Edinburgh on Saturday and Sunday 15 & 16 February 2025. More details later and on gallery website. It’s always a fun and busy event with lots of artist bookmakers and visitors.
St Gabriel’s Wings. Visit my online shop for details and to buy.
I’ll be at the opening.
I’ll be exhibiting framed prints with 14 other Edinburgh printmakers in September. Info in image above. Later in the year I will have a wall of prints at Brick Lane Gallery in London. Details later.
Lynda’s printmaking course is going well and still happening in the real world, with lots of anti-Covid precautions being taken. This term is mostly about learning different printing methods with some thoughts as to how to develop ideas over the whole year.
Here is a woodcut – the firsts woodcut Lynda has ever made!
Lynda also screenprinted some fabrics at a recent workshop with Blessed Unrest artist Lorna Brown at Out of the Blue Studios in Abbeyhill, Edinburgh. Some were made into small bags.